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Please support us by leaving a Gift

How to leave a gift in your will to The William Low Trust


Having a Will is really important and it’s always good to start thinking about what you want to include in it early. 


It is the only way you can be sure your wishes will be followed after you die.  It also means less confusion and heartache for your loved ones in their time of grief.


We strongly suggest contacting a professional when drawing up or amending your Will. 


If you decide to leave a gift to The William Low Trust your solicitor may use some specific wording to ensure your wishes are carried out.  The suggested wording below covers the main types of charitable gifts:

“I give to The William Low Trust of 11 East Towers  Pinner  Middlesex HA5 1TN (Registered Charity No 1184677) the sum of XXX pounds (£xxx) / xxx per cent (xx%) of my residuary estate to be used for its general charitable purposes and I declare that the receipt of the Treasurer or duly authorised office shall be a full and sufficient discharge for my Executors”

Thank you for thinking of The William Low Trust.

The William Low Trust - Charity No 1184677

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